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Writer's picturekate-mackinnon

What You May Not Know About Feng Shui

As I was preparing to write to you this today, I did my morning meditation with Deepak Chopra and his 21-Day Meditation Challenge, Creating Abundance, listening to the episode on "Abundance and the Law of Dharma." It turned out this was so powerful for many reasons, but especially because it is what I was going to share with you about today, why I do Feng Shui. Here is an excerpt:

"[W]e consider the law of Dharma has the greatest influence on our ability to fulfill our deepest desire. The first component of the law of Dharma is to discover your true self. The second and third components are inextricably intertwined. They are to express your unique talents and share those gifts to bring happiness to you and others.

"Explore all the things that make your heart sing and enable you to make a life. Not just a living. Ask yourself how I can help? How can I serve? Expressing your gift in service to others is the highest expression of the law of Dharma. When your creative expression matches the needs of those around you, abundance effortlessly flows into your life in perfect divine order. "You can put the law of Dharma into practice today simply by paying attention to the spirit that resides inside of you, consciously acknowledging a unique talent and asking yourself how you can best use those gifts to serve the world." I've been thinking a lot about this because I felt called to do Feng Shui over twenty years, and finally, four years ago, I decided to retire from my corporate job and do Feng Shui all the time. Sometimes I have wondered if it was the best or smartest thing I have ever done. I could be living somewhere in Costa Rica and surfing every day. Many of our friends and family are now retired and living lives of leisure and travel, being grandparents and doing things they love and always wanted to do without working. I, I felt compelled to invest my time and money into building a business to bring the transformational power of Feng Shui to people's homes, businesses, and workspaces. It felt like in this lifetime, everything I have done up to this point has led me to do exactly what I am doing. And what am I doing? On a practical level, I am working with clients to create balance and flow in their space, which removes stress, promotes health, and makes true peace. By creating peace in our environment, we create peace within ourselves, and ultimately peace in the world. This is undoubtedly a big part of what I do. But on a deeper level, by shifting and aligning the energy of our outer space, we also shift and align the energy of our inner space, which is why I call Feng Shui acupuncture of the Soul. We become aligned with our true and deepest self. This is WHY I do what I do. This is what I get excited about! I recently worked with a client, a very powerful person in her life, to create a sense of home in her current house. As we worked together, it became clear that working together in her space allowed her to find her true expression of who she is. Not choosing things because of how she was raised, where she grew up, or how her mother may have done it, but instead, how she expressed who she is. In the process of transforming her space, she found her voice. And her self-expression, both inside and out. For me, it doesn't get any better than this. To create peace and abundance in people's lives by transforming spaces, conversations, and thinking and helping them step into their power and greatness to make a difference in the world. One space and one person at a time. If you want to know more about how you can use Feng Shui in your space, feel free to set up a complimentary call to explore what that might look like for you. I would love to hear from you! Everyday Feng Shui! It's all right here.


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